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    Online translation is quick, available and free. The most popular free online translator is at Your disposal.

If you need quick translation you don't have to go to a special translation agency.  
Today there is an easier variant - you can use our online translator.
We give you an opportunity to use  Pragma 6 which is the most popular free online translator .
Our translator works with following languages: English, Latvian, German, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, French, Kazakh and also 51 languages.

Setup it on your site.

You can download Pragma translation software on your desktop for free.



#32 uzer 2015-05-19 21:40
крутяг норм работает быстро думаю правильно
#31 Randall 2014-08-26 16:54
im doing something wrong. I want to translate on facebook. I'm confused
#30 кекс 2012-03-19 19:48
З польської мови слово "robić" (робити, делать) не перекладає на українську.
Прохання виправити
#29 Жанна 2011-12-24 16:45
Check sum mismatch. The installation is corrupt or has been tampered with.

try downloading it again.

Сouldn(апостроф )t read TOC. Aborting.


Контрольное несовпадение суммы. Установка продажная или фальсифицирован а.
попробуйте загрузить это снова.

Сouldn(апостроф )t был прочитан TOC. Отказ.
#28 janym 2011-12-21 17:45
переводчик прекрасный..спасибо родные ;-)
English (United Kingdom)Russian (CIS)Ukrainian (UA)

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