add-on for Firefox
www.Tran– add-on (a software that enhances and customizes Mozilla-based applications) for Firefox and Thunderbird - a translator in your browser with a simple and friendly interface.
- from the browser menu,
- from the navigation bar,
- from the pop-up menu in the browser window by right-clicking ,
- through the status bar icon ,
- by shortcut Ctrl+M,
Select the text and run the translator, and the text will automatically be placed in the translation window in www.Tran. If you enable a check-box "on the fly”, you will immediately get the translated result.
- you can choose an opportunity either to translate directly in the bottom of your browser without any extra windows or to do it in a separate window;
- with a single click you select the reverse translation direction ;
- the translator performs translations to all the languages supported by Google, Bing, Pragma
- user may choose which of the translators performs translations most accurately by setting priority. This would allow to see the translation result always the first in the proposed list;
- to translate a text you just need to select a text on any page of your browser and start the www.Tran ;
- translate "on the fly" by selecting and dragging any text from your browser in the window for translation:
Variety of functional properties of www.Tran can adapt the interface for each user:
Our translator has sucn a superior quality as fast translation.
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